When we say we truly understand the challenge to clear the Real Estate Salesperson exam, we really do.
Increase your chances of passing the RES exam by joining our revision classes and being a part of our exclusive WhatsApps Q&A group chat now.
FREE RES Exam Revision Classes for upcoming RES Exam!
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FOC RES Exam Intensive Revision for upcoming RES Exam
Complimentary revision sessions are open to all who are taking the upcoming RES exam on 16 Mar for Paper 1 and 21 Mar for Paper 2.
You may sign up using the below links:

RES Examination Schedule (2024)

Who Are We?
We are a team of licensed RES with PropNex Realty Pte Ltd, the largest real estate agency with more than 12,000 registered salesperson in Singapore.
What To Expect?
Prior to each exam, we will conduct a series of RES exam revision classes at our training facility in Toa Payoh HDB Hub.
Why Are We Doing This (For Free)?
We constantly hear from exam candidates like yourself who would like to join the industry and be a part of our big family. However, many failed to clear the papers despite repeated attempts and some eventually gave up and continue to be stuck in a job that they no longer find joy in.
Therefore, many of us started to set up mini revision groups and conducting RES exam revision classes to help these candidates. After a few rounds, we noticed improved passing rates from those who attended these classes and hence the decision to open up to the public so more could benefit from it.
“I attended the revision classes for my RES exam and I passed on the 2nd attempt. After getting my licenses, I managed to achieve my Platinum Award ($100,000 gross commission in a single month) within 3 months.” – Bindi Choy
“Attending the RES exam revision classes was the final push for me to pass my RES exams. I really appreciate the generous sharing by the trainers and finally I am able to embark on this career and clocking over $100,000 of gross commission within the first 5 months in this industry.” – Eve Tang
Virtual Classroom Revision
The format of each RES exam revision session will include a quick recap of the key topics and also attempting mock exam questions together.
Q&A Group Chat
In addition to the revision classes, candidates will also be added to a WhatsApp group where questions are often answered almost instantaneously.
Revision Notes
Gain access to over 1,000 pages of revision notes compiled by recent graduates in pdf format so you could study anywhere even when you are in office or on vacation.
Many have benefitted from our revision classes and made new friends at the same time.
However, do note that these revision classes do not replace the RES course and candidates are expected to put in additional hours of revision on their own.
Check out our Studying Tips section for more hacks on preparing for the RES Exam and don’t forget to check out the RES exam questions shared by past exam candidates to prepare yourself on what to expect in the exam hall.
Complete the registration form at the top of the page and supercharge your real estate career with us today.